Meeting Information & Prep

Attending a meeting, even occasionally, is one of the best ways to get involved and make a difference. Our group will answer any questions regarding school board meetings to ensure that you know what to expect the first few times you attend. Here are some fast facts:

  • Conway School Board (CSB) meetings are 100% open to all members of the public.
  • CSB meetings are generally on the second and fourth Monday of the month unless otherwise announced.
  • CSB meetings are held at the Professional Development Center (PDC), but you won’t find its location by using Google. The closest helpful map is linked here, and a picture of the doorway you’re looking for is here. You’ll need to enter by walking along the edge of the building that directly faces the football field at Kennett Middle School. Look for the door, and the small sign that says “Professional Development”. Once you enter, follow the hallway straight ahead to the last door on the right. Even if the doors are closed, open it and let yourself in.
  • CSB meetings start at 6:30 and can last as little as one hour. Some have lasted much longer. Punctuality for the public is not a requirement – feel free to be fashionably late.
  • As a member of the public, you won’t sit at the table. You’ll take a seat in the gallery, which is simply a row of folding chairs.
  • You are not required to speak if you attend. However, you have every right to do so at two specific points in the meeting (known as “Public Comment” on the agenda). If you choose to speak, you’ll be asked to state your name and your town of residence. The first public comment section is best used if there is an item on the agenda that you want address the board on before they take up discussion or vote. The second public comment section is not as effective because it takes place after all discussion and voting for the evening (the damage is already done).
  • If you do speak, feel free to bring a written statement or simply freelance. Neither is more appropriate than the other.
  • If you do speak, the members of the CSB are required to listen, but they are not able to respond.
  • You may leave at any time.
  • It is helpful to obtain and review an agenda prior to the meeting because it’s one of the best ways to know what the CSB is about to discuss. It can be accessed on your mobile device or your computer. Agendum are posted usually the Friday prior to the upcoming board meeting, and are found here (scroll down, and find the current school year to access an upcoming agenda).
  • Attending a meeting is one of the best ways to show your elected leaders on the CSB that you are holding them accountable. Speaking up during the meetings can make an even larger difference.
  • If you choose not to attend, there are other ways to be heard such as contacting your school board members directly. Emailing all board members at once while copying the school’s superintendent will ensure that your email is placed in the meeting material (it’s the law).
  • It goes without saying, but be respectful when you’re in attendance. Take the high road even when things that transpire at the meeting upset you. After all, you want to stay on the right side of things!

Don’t be intimidated by the thought of attending a meeting. Let yourself in, examine the process, and hold your elected leaders accountable.