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How Our School Board Works

School boards in New Hampshire are a bit of a mystery to some of us. They are at the top of the hierarchy when it comes to school leadership, sitting above the superintendent. They have an incredible amount of power because they are governed by few laws (only one, really), and they can have an unbelievable impact on your day-to-day life, regardless of whether or not you have children.

Oath of Office

When a School Board member is elected (or appointed in the case of filling a vacancy), they are required to take an oath of office. This oath is very general and quite vague. This means that community members need to trust that their elected School Board will do the right thing and act with impartiality and for the greater good of education. To see for yourself, review the oath here.

Conway School Board Members

If you don’t know who your School Board members are or how to contact them, this is the best place to start. This information is also found on the SAU9 website, but the site has been found to be tricky to navigate. We make it easy by posting the same information here and working to keep it up to date.

Conway School Board Committee Assignments

School Boards are “working boards”, but sometimes that work takes place in committees, or smaller groups that are charged with a task. These committees are responsible for reporting back to the board and making recommendations in some cases. In Conway, the Chairman has unilaterally appointed members to each committee. Get informed on this – take note of who is on the Policy Committee (sets board policy), and who is on the School Closure Committee.