Voicing Your Opinion

Speaking your mind, or taking the time to write it down, takes work. Below are some helpful tips on how to prepare.

Preparing to Speak at Public Comment

Review the Meeting Agenda First

  • Obtain the agenda ahead of time to understand the topics that will be discussed so that you can focus your statement on the relevant issue(s).

Know What to Expect

  • We help you prepare here for what to expect when you attend a school board meeting.

Write Your Statement

  • A brief introduction should include your name, your town, and what makes you a stakeholder (how you’re connected to the issue(s), such as being a parent).
  • State your issue clearly. Be concise (e.g., “I am here today to express my concern with how the board is handling ___.”)
  • Provide supporting information using facts, data, or personal experiences. Including this information can help demonstrate the importance of the issue!
  • Offer possible solutions if applicable, or ask the board to take up the issue and work toward a solution (it’s OK if you don’t know how to solve it).

Be Respectful in your tone, even if you have strong opinions about the issue(s).

Practicing Your Statement is always an option, and many speakers and presenters around the world use rehearsal as a way to prepare. This can also help you identify areas to edit prior to speaking.

Attend the Meeting. It goes without saying that your attendance is key!

Follow Up with the board to continue the conversation if necessary. As public officials, they’re supposed to be accessible.

Remember that your goal is to communicate your concerns effectively and contribute positively to the discussion. Being well-prepared and respectful will enhance your impact.